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Using CameraSource class instead of SurfaceHolder.Callback

0 down vote favorite

In my android application I have to use camera to scan some documents. Also I need to implement Google Mobile Vision (OCR) function to get the text from the doc. Specifically, I need that OCR in scanning activity because I need to identify the document type by reading the header.

I have tried capturing document edges using OpenCV and it was success. I have few clarifications in this stage for further development.

  1. I have came across 2 ways to use camera, CameraSource and SurfaceHolder.Callback. What are the differences and drwabacks between those two?

  2. Can I use CameraSource with OpenCV to overlay the edges realtime?

Here is the link to my stackoverflow question - Link

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2018-03-01 23:05:11 -0600

berak gravatar image

Using CameraSource class instead of SurfaceHolder.Callback

0 down vote favorite

In my android application I have to use camera to scan some documents. Also I need to implement Google Mobile Vision (OCR) function to get the text from the doc. Specifically, I need that OCR in scanning activity because I need to identify the document type by reading the header.

I have tried capturing document edges using OpenCV and it was success. I have few clarifications in this stage for further development.

  1. I have came across 2 ways to use camera, CameraSource and SurfaceHolder.Callback. What are the differences and drwabacks between those two?

  2. Can I use CameraSource with OpenCV to overlay the edges realtime?

Here is the link to my stackoverflow question - Link

click to hide/show revision 3

updated 2018-03-01 23:06:28 -0600

berak gravatar image

Using CameraSource class instead of SurfaceHolder.Callback

0 down vote favorite

In my android application I have to use camera to scan some documents. Also I need to implement Google Mobile Vision (OCR) function to get the text from the doc. Specifically, I need that OCR in scanning activity because I need to identify the document type by reading the header.

I have tried capturing document edges using OpenCV and it was success. I have few clarifications in this stage for further development.

  1. I have came across 2 ways to use camera, CameraSource and SurfaceHolder.Callback. What are the differences and drwabacks between those two?

  2. Can I use CameraSource with OpenCV to overlay the edges realtime?

Here is the link to my stackoverflow question - Link