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Detecting shapes using open Cv in Android

I have requirement to detect the measurements of parcels before accepting it from the user. When I searched found out that Open CV is the better solution for the requirement but till now I didn't get any solution. Please share the java code for my android project

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updated 2017-12-14 05:37:07 -0600

berak gravatar image

Detecting shapes using open Cv in Android

I have requirement to detect the measurements of parcels before accepting it from the user. When I searched found out that Open CV is the better solution for the requirement but till now I didn't get any solution. Please share the java code for my android project

Detecting shapes using open Cv in Android

I have requirement to detect the measurements of parcels before accepting it from the user. When I searched found out that Open CV is the better solution for the requirement but till now I didn't get any solution. Please share the java code for my android project