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sampleWeight in module ml


In trainData a weight per sample can be defined in create method. Weights are used in backprop, rprop method.

When you call calcError weigths are not used.

I think that calcError must use sample weight to give a good error value. Am I wrong?

sampleWeight in module ml


In trainData a weight per sample can be defined in create method. Weights are used in backprop, rprop method.

When you call calcError weigths are not used.

I think that calcError must use sample weight to give a good error value. Am I wrong?

sampleWeight sampleWeights in module ml


In trainData a weight per sample can be defined in create method. Sample Weights are used in backprop, rprop method.

When you call calcError sample weigths are not used.

I think that calcError must use sample weight weights to give a good error value. Am I wrong?