Point2f inputQuad[4];
Point2f outputQuad[4];
// The 4 points that select quadilateral on the input , from top-left in clockwise order
// These four pts are the sides of the rect box used as input
inputQuad[0] = Point2f( 0,0);
inputQuad[1] = Point2f( IPM_ROI.cols,0);
inputQuad[2] = Point2f( IPM_ROI.cols,IPM_ROI.rows);
inputQuad[3] = Point2f( 0,IPM_ROI.rows); //
// The 4 points where the mapping is to be done , from top-left in clockwise order
outputQuad[0] = Point2f( 0,0 );
outputQuad[1] = Point2f( mFrame.cols,0);
outputQuad[2] = Point2f( mFrame.cols-250,mFrame.rows);
outputQuad[3] = Point2f( 250,mFrame.rows);
// Get the Perspective Transform Matrix i.e. IPM_Matrix
IPM_Matrix = getPerspectiveTransform( inputQuad, outputQuad );
I am translating (not sure i am using the perfect word) to Java for Android, however getPerspectiveTransform in Java takes 2 Mat's here it takes Point2f.
May you please help me with the translation