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Classifier with a lot of false positive

Hello, I'm depressed ... It's been a week since my training classifier turns and it's the drama ... I try to create a classifier to detect magpies ...

opencv_traincascade -data classifier -vec positives.vec -bg negatives.txt -numPos 1000 -numNeg 600 -numStages 10 -w 48 -h 48

I had a lot of trouble for the samples because the magpie is black and white, when creating samples there is a part of the magpie that disappears.

I was finally able to create samples using the script annotations, and then my samples.

I have 2000 positive images and 600 negatives. After a week of training, I test on an image and it works but I have detections more.

I have to mount the "minNeighbors" parameter thoroughly to make them disappear. Do you have any ideas to improve my classify?
