Hey There, please help me to figure it out : I have a opencv C++ code like :
cv::Mat kernel(ks,ks, CV_32F);
for (int y=-hks; y<=hks; y++)
for (int x=-hks; x<=hks; x++)
x_theta = x*del*cos(theta)+y*del*sin(theta);
y_theta = -x*del*sin(theta)+y*del*cos(theta);
kernel.at<float>(hks+y,hks+x) = (float)exp(-0.5*(pow(x_theta,2)+pow(y_theta,2))/pow(sigma,2))* cos(2*CV_PI*x_theta/lmbd + psi);
I want to convert below code to android
kernel.at<float>(hks+y,hks+x) = (float)exp(-0.5*(pow(x_theta,2)+pow(y_theta,2))/pow(sigma,2))* cos(2*CV_PI*x_theta/lmbd + psi);
can you help me please, thanks in advance :)