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How to use the functions of convertTo, applyColorMap,imshow to get the result I want?

Here is the code in Matlab and the result picture I get using Matlab. For some purposes, I need to convert Matlab code into C++. I have done the conversion of data structure in c++, and then I need to deal with the part of showing picture. I decide to use Opencv library to replace the image procesing in Matlab. I have found that some functions like convertTo, applyColorMap and imshow in Opencv can replace the function imagesc in Matlab. So, I imitate the code online I searched. But it doesn't work. There are some pictures of my code in matlab and c++, and the result picture I got which ran on matlab. Maybe there are some grammer mistakes in my questions, sorry about that. image description image description image description And my result picture in C++ is the following picture. I am a new learner for opencv, but time is limited. Could any one help me to solve this problem?

image description

How to use the functions of convertTo, applyColorMap,imshow to get the result I want?

Here is the code in Matlab and the result picture I get using Matlab. For some purposes, I need to convert Matlab code into C++. I have done the conversion of data structure in c++, and then I need to deal with the part of showing picture. I decide to use Opencv library to replace the image procesing in Matlab. I have found that some functions like convertTo, applyColorMap and imshow in Opencv can replace the function imagesc in Matlab. So, I imitate the code online I searched. But it doesn't work. There are some pictures of my code in matlab and c++, and the result picture I got which ran on matlab. Maybe work.Maybe there are some grammer mistakes in my questions, sorry about that. image description image description image description Here is my code in C++

for (cutNumber = 1; cutNumber <= 9; cutNumber++)
    momentString = "dBT";
    DataSelect* BaseData_Select = select(theObj,cutNumber,momentString);
    int ncols = BaseData_Select->allLength / BaseData_Select->dataLength;
   //对应matlab auto.m第138行。下面是绘制dBZ的B显图
    Mat mydata(BaseData_Select->dataLength, ncols, CV_32F);
    for (int i = 0; i < BaseData_Select->dataLength; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
            int temmmp = i*ncols+ j;
  <float>(i, j) = BaseData_Select->data[i*ncols + j];
    double Amin = *min_element(mydata.begin<float>(), mydata.end<float>());  //Amin is -19
    double Amax = *max_element(mydata.begin<float>(), mydata.end<float>());  //Amax is 64
    cv::minMaxIdx(mydata, &Amin, &Amax);
    cv::Mat adjMap;
    float scale = 255 / (Amax - Amin);
    mydata.convertTo(adjMap, CV_8UC1, scale, -Amin*scale);
    cv::Mat resultMap;
    applyColorMap(adjMap, resultMap, cv::COLORMAP_AUTUMN);
    cv::imshow("Out", resultMap);
    cv::imwrite("output.bmp", resultMap);

Here is the code dealing with images in Matlab.

            colormap(radarcolor_CJJ(40,1));   %产生40种颜色
            caxis([ -2 6]);
            ylim([Sphere_Distance_Cell-Sphere_Distance_Cell_Extend Sphere_Distance_Cell+Sphere_Distance_Cell_Extend])
            xlim([Sphere_Center_Ray-Sphere_Azimuth_Cell_Extend Sphere_Center_Ray+Sphere_Azimuth_Cell_Extend])

The result picture running on Matlab which is I want to get using Opencv functions. image description

And my result picture in C++ is the following picture. picture which is the wrong picture absolutely. I am a new learner for opencv, but time is limited. Could any one help me to solve this problem?problem? image description

image description