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std::length_error at Ptr<cv::ml::dtrees> train

Hello Open CV Community,

i try to train my Decision Tree but always get the same Error:

Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFC34287788 in DecisionTrees.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::length_error at memory location 0x0000004ECC0FF560.

The Error comes with the 3. Line. No Matter whats in the "Feature" or "Labels" Matrix. (I tried it even with just 0 and 1)

Ptr<cv::ml::DTrees> model = cv::ml::DTrees::create();

Ptr<cv::ml::TrainData> myTrainData = cv::ml::TrainData::create(Features, cv::ml::ROW_SAMPLE, Labels);


Do somebody know how to handle this error?

Thanks a lot for your support!

Kind regards, Derrick