cv::Mat.forEach w/ index- how does position work?
AFAIK the signature of the function param of Mat.forEach is:
void (*)(const T value, const *int pos);
EDIT: Well, according to core/utility.hpp it's more like: (which should go into the documentation, IMHO)
// (_Tp&, const int*) <- multidimential
// or (_Tp&, void*) <- in case of you don't need current idx.
Now, I'm not sure what the pos argument is and I don't think the documentation is absolutely clear on that.
From the documentation, it almost looks like this is the channel of the current element?
Is there any way to get I have now used it in my project for a CV_64FC1 Matrix and pos[1] is the current row/column/index in that function?
I basically collumn. Since pos[0] is always zero and this is a single row Matrix, I guess it's pos[dimension]?
So when I want to identify certain values and get that value plus an index, so that I know where in the Matrix I can find it. use it with<t>() I need to calculate the index from the pos elments?
I would like to better understand this, then I could make a pull request with a documentation improvement.
I have looked at the code, but I'm not sure I understand the multidimensional case correctly.