generate Delaunay triangle mesh
Hello people,
Is it possible generate a 2D using opencv python?
I have this image:
I want to gerenate something like this:
Hello people,
Is it possible generate a 2D using opencv python?
I have this image:
I want to gerenate something like this:
Asked: 2016-04-01 07:39:55 -0600
Seen: 1,338 times
Last updated: Apr 04 '16
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this does not look like a delauny triangulation, more like a regular triangle-grid, deformed with some crude heightfield
This is not a delaunay. I want to know if it is possible doing something similar in opencv. This one was made using the trimesh module.
sure, there is Subdiv2D . (but again, to produce something like above, you would not need it)
I look into Subdiv2D . I'm not sure how it could be controlled the "mesh size". It is need a set of points. Do I need yo use findnonzero at the first image?
What is your advice @berak ?
with Subdiv2d , you start with the boundingrect. then you consecutively add points(e.g. landmarks), and each point will split an existing triangle
@berak do you mean something like that?
however you're right. I need triangles (because I want to create a FEM model) I don't want pure delaunay. Is the process the same?
what on earth are you trying to achieve ?
@berak I'm sorry to bother you with lamme questions. I want to achieve something like this: But I don't know how. I just want to create 2D mesh with triangles. Then using this 2D mesh as mask to apply on different images and create FEM model. But at this stage, I just want a 2D triangle mesh on this image. This picture has holes (stronger lines)
Looking at the example on the website, I don't know how I can create something similiar to the points.txt ,
didn't you mention, you had a list of points, the other day ? just insert them, one after the other.