Android Studio: OpenCV + NDK
Does anyone have a good tutorial on how to use OpenCV in C++ (NDK) with the latest Android Studio?
Does anyone have a good tutorial on how to use OpenCV in C++ (NDK) with the latest Android Studio?
There is a similar question here with code on github.
There is a feature of Android Studio to Include C++ Support
which generates an external build file called CMakeLists.txt
. The similar question has changes required to that file to get the C++ portion of OpenCV to compile in Android Studio.
this videos exactly match what you need about configuration opencv. ndk and android studio
Asked: 2016-03-23 01:44:31 -0600
Seen: 1,781 times
Last updated: May 17 '17
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I have the same problem. Did you find anything useful? Thak you
Hey i am also having the same problem. If you have any good tutorial on this. please share the link , Thank You !!
Possible duplicate question: