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How install open cv 2.4.4 on visual studio 2010

asked 2013-03-12 13:32:11 -0600

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please someone help me to install open cv 2.4.4 on visual studio 2010 i'm a new learner of opencv


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answered 2013-03-12 14:21:05 -0600

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the long version is here

the short version goes like:

  1. download the package, put it somewhere
  2. start an empty project
  3. point your 'additional includes at opencv/build/include
  4. point your 'additional library path at opencv/build/x86/vc10/lib (x86 is for 32bit, the other one for 64bit)
  5. add libraries, you'll need at least opencv_core244.lib and opencv_highgui244.lib (don't forget the 'd' at the end in the debug case)
  6. add opencv/build/x86/vc10/bin/ to your PATH environment var (so the dlls can be found at runtime)
  7. choose a simple example from the samples/cpp folder, e.g. starter_video.cpp

with a bit of luck ...

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Asked: 2013-03-12 13:32:11 -0600

Seen: 619 times

Last updated: Mar 12 '13