How can I convert ffmpeg AVFrame to cv::Mat?
I'm newbie in ffmpeg.I can get frame with AVFrame,how can I get cv::Mat and do image processing with OpenCV.
Asked: 2015-11-28 13:05:06 -0600
Seen: 2,213 times
Last updated: Nov 28 '15
video properies give wrong results.
CaptureFromFile - what does OpenCV exactly do? [closed]
OpenCV 2.4.3 ffmpeg multiple definition [static build]
FFMPEG crash with a GoPro video
cross compile OpenCV with FFMPEG for ARM Linux
VideoCapture is not working with OpenCV 2.4.3
OpenCV 2.4.4 build always fails at ffmpeg portion
Open RTSP stream results in an error.
OpenCV VideoCapture cannot read video in Python but able in VS11
Look here: