what are the parameters in canny function in opencv
Capture.JPG can anyone explain me the 80 and 90 in the canny function and also plz explain me the "if" condition
Capture.JPG can anyone explain me the 80 and 90 in the canny function and also plz explain me the "if" condition
All the parameters are explain in the doc here.
The ''if'' presented in the image is only used to create the matrices in OpenCV format. It checks if the matrices exist and if their size is correct before calling the Canny Function.
Just a note to say that you better should used the code insertion instead of an image when you post code on your question, it is easier to read...
@Mathieu Barnachon: can u explain me what is the mIntermediatemat used everywhere?
I think it's just a temporary matrix used for conversion of image.
Asked: 2013-02-20 02:36:38 -0600
Seen: 471 times
Last updated: Feb 20 '13
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