opencv 3.0.0 Installation instructions for bloodshed Dev CPP
Hello, I want to install opencv 3.0.0 on top of bloodshed Dev CPP. Please guide me - Where could I find an updated instructions for this?
Regards, Elad
do you have to use that ? do yourself a favour, and get VS express instead.
if you insist on using it , you will have to build the opencv libs from src first, so try a quick
gcc --version
and report back (chances are high, that it's not even usable)Hello berak, My preferable IDE is dev cpp and as far as I understand, opencv3.0 should be supported by this.
when extracting opencv3.0, all libs are exist so I think your you are missing something. IMHO, no build should be made, only correct linking instructions.
Additionally, I notice that this topic was not solved at So maybe it should get an higher priority.