Is there any method in Java OpenCV can save the video?
Hi All: Can someone help me on saving the video stream from the ip camera into video file in JAVA language?
Hi All: Can someone help me on saving the video stream from the ip camera into video file in JAVA language?
Asked: 2015-08-26 08:06:40 -0600
Seen: 216 times
Last updated: Aug 26 '15
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are you using opencv3 and build from src ?
I am using opencv 2.4.9, and built it. The thing is I can not find the method for saving the video in the API.
the VideoWriter class is blacklisted in the code generation.
i can tell only about 3.0, you would just go here and add a comment(#) before the word VideoWriter. then rerun cmake/make/install (sorry no idea if the same thing will work in 2.4)