Is white pixels value in binary image 255?
Hi i wonder why white pixels value is 255? This is not intuitively.
Hi i wonder why white pixels value is 255? This is not intuitively.
2^8 = 256 counting from 0 is 0-> 255 is in total 256, This is ==> a 8 bit memory need for each pixel, this is a commonly stored way of pixels. It could be more or less, but this depend what you want
Asked: 2015-08-11 09:14:29 -0600
Seen: 2,611 times
Last updated: Aug 11 '15
converting from iplimage to cvmat and vise versa
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I understand binary image like an image with two values 0 and x . x can be 1 or offen 255 but you can use what you want for example for threshold it's maxval
~0 == 255 , ~255 == 0 (for 8bit)
~0 == 65535 ;)
But offen for binary image code looks like
So binary image is 0 and something not equal to zero