Match corresponding peaks/valleys of similar histograms

asked 2015-07-24 09:47:53 -0600

andré gravatar image

updated 2015-07-24 11:34:39 -0600


I'm currently working on a project where I have to compare similar histograms. These histograms are obtained from photos taken under different illumination conditions.

I know that OpenCV offers the compareHist function. However this function returns a metric of similarity and I'm looking for a method that matches corresponding peaks/valleys between similar histograms.

For instance, if we have two photos of the same subject, one underexposed and one with the "ideal" exposure, their histograms of intensity might look like this:

image description

As shown by the arrows, the peaks in one histogram also exist in the other. Anyone has a suggestion on how to match corresponding peaks?

Thank you!

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