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can't create .vec file

asked 2015-07-13 00:12:33 -0600

updated 2015-07-13 00:20:30 -0600

berak gravatar image

Hi friends, I have a problem when creating .vec file of my positives image. this is the code for create .vec file. C:\Program Files\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin\opencv_createsamples.exe -info positive.txt -vec myvec.vec -num 10 -w 24 -h 24 PAUSE the format of poisitive.txt is

C:\Users\user\Documents\projek PL\Haartraining Stuff\STEPS\step 02\rawdata\rawdata\FudanPed00005.bmp 1 174 29 149 316

the problem is .vec file aren't generated or never produced. Thanks

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hmm, can you try a file path , that does not contain spaces ? (i'm afraid, it can't parse that)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-07-13 00:21:26 -0600 )edit

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answered 2017-11-16 18:29:59 -0600

DrVivek gravatar image

first important thing training or vector not work for 10 number of images it should be more than 200, here you make mistake in your positive.txt file should not contain absolute directory path it should be FudanPed00005.bmp 1 174 29 149 316 FudanPed00004.bmp 1 174 29 149 316 FudanPed00007.bmp 1 174 29 149 316 .... .... and another thing your negitive.txt file must contains absolute directory file name with path ,otherwise it will create problem while haar training.

you can generate positive sample and positive.txt file from less number of positive sample using createsample.exe

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Asked: 2015-07-13 00:12:33 -0600

Seen: 349 times

Last updated: Jul 13 '15