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Contour properties

asked 2015-07-09 20:56:08 -0600

rohit.guitar gravatar image

I have trying to get the major and minor axis of a contour by enclosing into a eclipse using fiteclipse(). But it is returning me a Rotating rect object. Can anyone help me with getting the major and minor axis values in C++?

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answered 2015-07-10 02:56:19 -0600

thdrksdfthmn gravatar image

updated 2015-07-10 04:00:32 -0600

The minor axis is the min(width, height)/2

The major axis is max(width, height)/2

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As simple as that ;)

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2015-07-10 04:00:48 -0600 )edit

Thanks it worked ....:-)

rohit.guitar gravatar imagerohit.guitar ( 2015-07-10 09:32:17 -0600 )edit

you can accept it as answer ;)

thdrksdfthmn gravatar imagethdrksdfthmn ( 2015-07-10 09:46:42 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-07-09 20:56:08 -0600

Seen: 344 times

Last updated: Jul 10 '15