How to make Akaze Run OpenCV 3.0 beta
While using the Kaze Tracker in the cpp samples. I am getting the following error on runtime:
I am getting an error that says ::
The procedure entry point? findHomography... InputArray OutputArray could not be located in the dynamic link library opencv_calib3d300.dll
Weird, because the kaze tracking functionality is found in the features2D ... but can you
Is it the only error that you have? SHow yur compilation result by build order
Yes, I am getting that findHomography error and I am using the example provided in the samples section -> tutorial code.
Also tell me how you guys are adding the include headers. They all usually come in the build folder but I believe in this version cuda headers and maybe some parts are not there in the build folder already provided with the opencv.
the picture I added is from the prebuilt x64 and normal kaze matching example in the opencv source.
CUDA headers are since OpenCV2.4.8 never in the prebuilt libraries provided with opencv to ensure that the package doesn't get too huge to share around. You will need to build the software manually for that!