broken python bindings on opencv3
I'm trying to work with eigenFaceRecognizer but python bindings seem to broken for the latest version of opencv_contrib. Anybody has any pointers as to a particular commit that works for both opencv / contrib (ref i that makes python bindings work? At the moment, following the advice given by the opencv_contrib people, i checkout a mid-february version and get the following when i try to import cv2 into a python script:
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZN2cv2ml21NormalBayesClassifier6createEv
Any ideas? Thanks a lot for your help.
mshabunin seems to be at it, give him a day or 2 ;)
the NormalBayes issue is a seperate one from the facereco, right ? (the ml module classes were temporarily disabled, but that , too seems to be in flux atm.)
well - my problem is that if i simply do
>>> import cv2
i get the above. I am attempting to do facereco but i don't get anywhere after the import statement.Here is temporary solution:
Setup folders as follows:
Run the commands:
This setup works for me. Note, that there was an issue when python support turned off after second cmake run. Probably, you have just installed an old
@mshabunin thanks for this, it worked.