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Error while building viz module on Mac (Mavericks) opencv 3.0 beta

asked 2015-01-16 06:22:25 -0600

rafafirenze gravatar image

updated 2015-01-16 06:45:12 -0600

I need new features on OpenCV 3.0 beta. The explanation to install it is already here:

When I do make, the following error is up:

I'm trying to sort this error but I can't... (I can't paste all the RAW data here).

I've seen similar errors solved because of CUDA or sorting flags, but I didn't get it to work.

do you have any clue? thank you in advance.


[ 44%] Building CXX object modules/viz/CMakeFiles/opencv_viz.dir/src/shapes.cpp.o
In file included from /Users/rafaelruizmunoz/Downloads/opencv/modules/viz/src/clouds.cpp:46:
In file included from /Users/rafaelruizmunoz/Downloads/opencv/modules/viz/src/precomp.hpp:144:
In file included from /Users/rafaelruizmunoz/Downloads/opencv/modules/viz/src/vtk/vtkCloudMatSink.h:48:
In file included from /Users/rafaelruizmunoz/Downloads/opencv/modules/core/include/opencv2/core.hpp:57:
/usr/local/include/opencv2/core/mat.hpp:58:13: error: incomplete type 'cv::Mat'
      named in nested name specifier
inline void Mat::initEmpty()
/Users/rafaelruizmunoz/Downloads/opencv/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/base.hpp:679:18: note:
      forward declaration of 'cv::Mat'
class CV_EXPORTS Mat;

(a lot more of those)

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could you say it as answer ? it worked! I had no idea about that :\ Thank you!

rafafirenze gravatar imagerafafirenze ( 2015-01-16 06:40:03 -0600 )edit

and I compiled with libc++ (I changed it in flags)... I don't know what the problem could be

rafafirenze gravatar imagerafafirenze ( 2015-01-16 06:41:05 -0600 )edit

now which one worked ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-01-16 06:42:57 -0600 )edit

cmake -D BUILD_opencv_viz=OFF

rafafirenze gravatar imagerafafirenze ( 2015-01-16 06:45:25 -0600 )edit

so, that was simply 'avoiding the problem' , right ?

if you ever need the viz module, you should try the other idea (recompiling the vtk dependancy with different libc++)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-01-16 06:54:03 -0600 )edit

but I think you missunderstood me. I said to say what you said as Answer to mark you as correct on :)

rafafirenze gravatar imagerafafirenze ( 2015-01-16 07:42:51 -0600 )edit

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answered 2015-01-16 06:28:32 -0600

berak gravatar image

updated 2015-01-16 06:31:22 -0600

first, see here

if it all fails, you could try try to disable the viz module:

cmake -D BUILD_opencv_viz=OFF
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Voila @rafafirenze did it for you :)

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2015-01-17 06:07:40 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-01-16 06:22:25 -0600

Seen: 987 times

Last updated: Jan 16 '15