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Problems with Haartraining

asked 2012-12-12 09:16:26 -0600

JaviWar gravatar image

Sorry I have very basic english. Hi, I'm with a task, which is to detect car registrations by the haar cascade. My problem is that when I use haartraining, I get an error that the computer is not able to show, leaving a blank window that does not show me anything. I've done it several times but the times that does not work, the only change that I make is the sample size, 80x20 to 200x50 step. I do not know if that will be the reason. The command to use is: haartraining -data data/cascade20050 -vec data/matricula20050.vec -bg negative/infofile.txt -nonsym -nstages 10 -nsplit 2 -minhitrate 0.999 -maxfalsealarm 0.5 -npos 529 -nneg 1021 -w 200 -h 50 -mem 1024 -mode ALL

I have using 1024 Mb of 4 gigas of memory that I have, I´m not sure if this is one of muy problems. See if anyone has any solution or idea. Thank you very much in advance.

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2 answers

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answered 2013-03-08 02:39:52 -0600

First of all I would suggest using the newer traincascade algorithm for HAAR training which has the newer C++ like interface.

Secondly I wonder why there is no -info parameter in your command, linking to the positives.txt file, which contains the annotated regions for positive training samples in your training data.

Go through this guidelines for haartraining and see if it works out:

Or like I said, try the newer interface.

Also, try to be more concise in your questions next time? You are not giving us any relevant information.

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answered 2013-03-08 02:05:00 -0600

Yannikator gravatar image


Can you be more precise about :

"My problem is that when I use haartraining, I get an error that the computer is not able to show, leaving a blank window that does not show me anything"

The haartraining process have finished? Ar you sure that your trouble is about haartraining? Have you get the xml file at the end? What function are you using in order to use haar cascade? Can you tell us the openCV version that you are using...

See you.

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Asked: 2012-12-12 09:16:26 -0600

Seen: 960 times

Last updated: Mar 08 '13