gradient of the image
How the gradient of the image is calculated?
is the second image a gradient image?
How the gradient of the image is calculated?
is the second image a gradient image?
Okay first of all some questions for you
Basically image gradients are the change in intensity values of a grayscale image over the locations, the higher the change in intensity the more edge you will detect in the gradient.
However this image doesn't look like a gradient image at all ... so I am asking you where you get this from.
How to calculate the gradient can be read here.
How to create this using openCV can be read here with a correctly working example. This example uses the sobel operator for the functionality, which is one way of calculating gradients.
And to answer to the second question, that is NOT a gradient image, unless there is something very wrong...
Asked: 2014-08-26 06:09:49 -0600
Seen: 294 times
Last updated: Aug 26 '14
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