How to include Opencv path?
I am Afraid about this error how to resolve this? I have searched almost all the Internet but couldn't find the solution. . . .
I am Afraid about this error how to resolve this? I have searched almost all the Internet but couldn't find the solution. . . .
If is Win put the path of opencv in your VARIABLE PATH of Windows:
Like this: PATH = %PATH%;%OPENCV_DIR%\vc10\bin;%OPENCV_DIR%\vc11\bin;
Ok I got rid from this problem. . . I simply put my OpenCV SDK to the same folder where my ndk was. . . Now i open this same path on window and copy the whole address and paste here. . .Now it is working fine. . . thanks for your nice consideration . . .
Asked: 2014-05-14 03:59:43 -0600
Seen: 1,015 times
Last updated: May 14 '14
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