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How can I specify row alignment reading an image or creating Mat object?

asked 2012-10-17 03:31:08 -0600

Valentina Kustikova gravatar image

Hello, I need to specify row alignment reading an image. I can do it by hands computing new width in accordance with particullar stride (source code you can find below).

Mat srcImg, alignedImg, roiImg;
Size size;
// read initial image
srcImg = imread(argv[1]);
// compute new width (aligment with the stride = 32)
size.width = ((srcImg.size().width - 1) & -32) + 32;
size.height = srcImg.size().height;
// create new image
alignedImg.create(size, srcImg.type());
// adjust ROI
roiImg = alignedImg.adjustROI(0, 0, 0, srcImg.size().width - size.width);
// copy initial image into ROI

// release memory

Is there a way to set row alignment reading an image or creating Mat object automatically without additional memory allocation and copying data?


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2 answers

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answered 2012-10-17 05:24:30 -0600

Daniil Osokin gravatar image

Hi, Valentina! As I know, Mat doesn't support data align.

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Thanks, Daniil! Actually, I have another question connected with those subject. I wanted to create Mat object using create(...) method with particular stride (or step if to talk in terms of constructor parameters). Is there a way to create such object without calling Mat constructor with parameters? It looks like strange when we have constructor but we don't have simular method create(...).

Valentina Kustikova gravatar imageValentina Kustikova ( 2012-10-17 06:25:38 -0600 )edit

answered 2013-10-18 06:35:48 -0600

Antonio gravatar image

You can replace

roiImg = alignedImg.adjustROI(0, 0, 0, srcImg.size().width - size.width);


roiImg = alignedImg.colRange(0,srcImg.cols);

(Note for colRange from the documentation: Start and end column of the extracted submatrix. The upper boundary is not included)

To have the image loaded directly as you desire, you would have to go one level down to the imdecode method, and test if giving the roiImg created as you did would work as expected, loading the image aligned. Of course, you need to know the image size in advance, otherwise you will have to write your own version of imdecode.

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Asked: 2012-10-17 03:31:08 -0600

Seen: 3,629 times

Last updated: Oct 18 '13