train facerecognizer model with gpu support
Is there gpu
support to train images on a facerecognizer
? I have done it without gpu
support and it takes a long time.
Is there gpu
support to train images on a facerecognizer
? I have done it without gpu
support and it takes a long time.
No. As of now, No support from OpenCV for face recognition on GPU. By the way, You can detect face regions in images on GPU using OpenCV's GPU module. GPU version of cascade classifier is available. You will need to go further by yourself.
Since facerecognizer is implemented as a demo face recognition (FR) system to show that a real FR application is viable, it does not have good performance (speed and accuracy) with large training sets or real life applications. You can see that the author uses PCA for eigenvalues, eigenvectors computations, and a lot of matrix multiplication, which are not advantages of OpenCV. You can get faster training stage if using other libraries which are dedicated (or just better than OpenCV) for matrix multiplication and eigen computation. Armadillo and Eigen are some preferable choices.
Asked: 2014-02-06 06:26:17 -0600
Seen: 726 times
Last updated: Feb 27 '14
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