How findHomography works?
is there any simple (and mathematical) explanation on how cvFindHomography and RANSAC work internally?
is there any simple (and mathematical) explanation on how cvFindHomography and RANSAC work internally?
You can find an explanation (with math included) of cvFindHomography at:
Gary Bradsky & Adrian Kaehler, "Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library".
O'Reilly 2008. Chapter 11: Camera Models and Calibration. Page 384.
For the RANSAC algorithm, there must be something else out there, but you can take a look at the original paper:
M.A. Fischler and R.C. Bolles, "Random sample concensus: A paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography".
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 24 (1981):381-395
Hope this helps
On this page I have found a pretty good explanation of Homography with DLT (but without RANSAC)
Asked: 2012-09-30 17:51:30 -0600
Seen: 1,610 times
Last updated: Oct 01 '12
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