Sending Opencv images from Android to PC over TCP [closed]
I'm working on a Android app that grabs a image and sends it to a PC client for display, both the Android app and PC application use Opencv. The image that i want to send over is a color image (grabbed in the rbga format).
First i grab a image in the java app using:
InputImage = inputFrame.rgba();
Next i am using the Mat image variabele and convert the input image to a byte array using the following native (using JNI) function:
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_com_example_communicationmoduleTCPIP_communicationmoduleTCPIP_ConvertImageToByteArray(
JNIEnv* Env, jobject,
jlong addrInputImage){
Mat& OutputImg = *(Mat*) addrInputImage;
jbyteArray Array;
//__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Tag", "==== 1 ");
// Init java byte array
Array = Env->NewByteArray(1536000);
//__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Tag", "==== 2 ");
// Set byte array region with the size of the SendData CommStruct.
// Now we can send the data back.
Env->SetByteArrayRegion(Array, 0, 1536000, (jbyte*);
//__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Tag", "==== 3 ");
return Array;
Next is end the byte array (containing the image data) over TCP with the following function:
// Send buffer, the method can be used by both client and server objects.
public void SendByteBuffer(byte[] ByteBuffer){
try {
// Get socket output stream
OutputStream OutputBuffer = ClientSocket.getOutputStream();
//Write byte data to outputstream
catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("TCPIPCommunicator: ", "Client: Failed to send", e);
On the PC side (in c++) i recieve the buffer with a boost lib recieve function:
int CommunicationModuleTCPIPServer::RecieveBuffer(char Buffer[], int Size){
boost::asio::read(ServerSocket, boost::asio::buffer(TempBuffer, 1536000));
//boost::asio::read(ServerSocket, boost::asio::buffer((char*)InputImage, Size));
//cout <<"Temp buffer: " << TempBuffer << endl;
int ptr=0;
for (int i = 0; i < InputImage.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < InputImage.cols; j++) {<cv::Vec4b>(i,j) = cv::Vec4b(TempBuffer[ptr+ 0],TempBuffer[ptr+1],TempBuffer[ptr+2],TempBuffer[ptr+3]);
And then i display the variable with the imshow function of opencv. The problem is that i don't get a image in the window on the pc side. i'm thinking the conversion is going wrong somewhere but i dont' see where. Does anybody have a idea? All suggestions and feedback are welcome!
try to print out some pixels:
cout << InputImage(Rect(0,0,10,10)) << endl;
it won't change your problem, but i think, you can skip the for() loop in the client. just make a Mat tmp(h,w,CV_8U_C4, TempBuffer); and myMat = tmp.clone(); // for a deep copy
Thank you for yout comments, does anybody know a good example or solution?
I thin te problem is the conversion between the rbga image->mat->byte array en back. Can anyone see a problem?
boost::asio::read returns the number of bytes read.
you should check that.
can you show me your initialization of client socket