how to using OpenCv API get web video stream!
Is there have a API we can use to get video stream from web. For example from
You can use OpenCV VideoCapture class to open video streaming from web
VideoCapture cap;;
And see some links with this thread.
Just try this link working for me in vs 2010"");
. Also see the answer here
thanks! I'm using your cord:""); the URL can open in browser,but can not open in vs2010 use you code; whether should I do some setting with my vs2010 ? or the version problem of my opencv . my opencv version is 2.3.0
Mat grains(480,640,CV_8UC3,Scalar::all(0)); const string videoStreamAddress1 = ""; //From mjpeg streamer const string videoStreamAddress2 = ""; //From mjpeg streamer
if(! {
cout << "Error opening video stream1" <<endl;
after execute this cord the screen print Error opening video stream1 ,
if i'm using browser I can capture webcam.
but can't capture using vs2010
Hello. I am able to get the above code to work. I would like to get a different type of stream to pipe in to opencv. I have an html5 canvas on a webpage served at that I am loading a stream into with the following code:
<div id="droneStream" style="width: 640px; height: 360px"></div>
new NodecopterStream(document.getElementById("droneStream"));
var myImage = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
I want to pipe that stream from the page into opencv in the way that you have accomplished above. Do you know how to structure the url to grab the image stream? Right now I have a URL that I know is wrong, but here is my opencv code:"");
Thanks for your help.
Like @berak suggested ... please do not open cold turkey topics :)
Asked: 2013-11-20 01:30:53 -0600
Seen: 59,482 times
Last updated: Apr 25 '14
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