How to find "lopencv_flann246.lib".
Hi, I am new in the use of OpenCV and I have never succeded compiling the following code.
include <iostream>
include "cv.h"
// #include "cv_bis.hpp"
include "highgui.h"
using namespace cv;
int main() { //Create matrix to store image. Mat image; //initialize capture.
VideoCapture cap;;
//create window to store image.
//copy webcam stream to image.
//print image screen.
//delay 33ms.
return 0;
The debugger informs that the library "lopencv_flann246.lib" is not found as shown below
ld.exe||cannot find -lopencv_flann246.lib| ||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|
The point is that I checked on my laptop and I have never found it. I tried downloading OpenCV again, but it does not change anything.
Do I actually need this library ? - If yes, where can I download this library ? - If no, how do I make the computer ignoring this research ?
I hope it is handlable,
PS: I had no idea what to put in the tags, so, I put the most relevant (I do not know what it is made for, can anyone explain me ?).
Thank you by advance,
Kind regards,
Btw, I would like to know who is the responsible of the rules OpenCV questions in order to make sure I do not do any mistakes. and to know all the questions that are relevant to this forum. If this forum is for advanced questions, please, inform me which forum is for very elementary questions on OpenCV like mine. Thank you by advance.
PS: I study in the UK since only one year. Therefore, sorry if my english is not excellent.
no prob at all.
just learn to love the '101010' button to format your code properly here
What do you mean? I do not understand.