assert failed

asked 2020-10-23 05:39:29 -0600

Mandi gravatar image

I am trying to solve this issue:

I think OpenCV guru might know what's that about at a blink of an eye. I am guessing cv2 module for Python bindings to OpenCV is not properly initialized, or the wrong version of OpenCV is picked (I used 4.3.0, the error mentions 3.4.5) Thank you in advance

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sturkmen gravatar imagesturkmen ( 2020-10-23 05:53:42 -0600 )edit

I am guessing cv2 module for Python bindings to OpenCV is not properly initialized

nope, not at all, a simple user error, image did not load, user failed to check (and python noobs NEVER check anything...)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2020-10-23 06:51:19 -0600 )edit