model.forward give an error. opencv.js
I am trying to implement opencv.js in ionic. But currently received ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): 7298928 - Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught. Compile with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 or DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 to catch.
This is my code. The error start in var detections = model.forward();
let face_detected = cv.imread (image);
var utils = new Utils('');
var model = undefined;
let proto = 'deploy.prototxt';
let weights = 'weights.caffemodel';
var promise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
utils.createFileFromUrl(weights, window.location.origin + '/assets/'+ weights, () =>
utils.createFileFromUrl(proto, window.location.origin + '/assets/'+ proto, () =>
model = cv.readNetFromCaffe(proto, weights);
promise.then(() => {
var blob = cv.blobFromImage(face_detected, 1.0,{width: 192, height: 144},[104, 177, 123,0])
var detections = model.forward(); //error start