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Improve poor image before doing image process?

asked 2013-10-31 21:07:44 -0600

zawpai gravatar image

Hi All,

Does anyone give me a suggestion how to separate object and background for poor image? 1.bmp

Above image is from camera and image quality is not good. I want to measure the size of the object. Currently, I do these steps. 1.) Capture the image. 2.) Binaries the image. 3.) Dilate the image. 4.) Erode the image. 5.) Find blob.

But, I saw the size of the object is not so accurated. I don't know how should I improve the image quality before doing any process.


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1 answer

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answered 2013-10-31 21:15:14 -0600

andr3w gravatar image

U can use medianblur/Gaussianblur to reduce some noise and also u can use algorithms from photo module(this algorithms are slowly)

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Hi, I had already used medianblur/Gaussianblur. It is not so helpful for that image. Which type of algorithms should I use from photo module?

zawpai gravatar imagezawpai ( 2013-10-31 22:03:45 -0600 )edit

What object you want to detect?

andr3w gravatar imageandr3w ( 2013-11-01 05:02:32 -0600 )edit

If you see "1.bmp" picture, you will see the object at center. That is the image which I want to find.

zawpai gravatar imagezawpai ( 2013-11-02 17:50:01 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2013-10-31 21:07:44 -0600

Seen: 306 times

Last updated: Oct 31 '13