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Convert rgba to hsv in android (JNI)

asked 2013-10-27 04:44:09 -0600

lobi gravatar image

updated 2013-10-27 07:29:59 -0600


i'm trying to learn OpenCV with JNI.

I made a program which tracks an object in Java for android, but now I like to make the same code in C++.

Firstly I would like to convert RGBA to HSV and show this on my screen, but when I run my application I get this error.

The Application Trcker (process com.slani.tracker) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
Force Close

Here is my onCameraFrame method.

public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) {

    Mat rgba = inputFrame.rgba();
    Mat hsv = new Mat()

    findObject(rgba.getNativeObjAddr(), hsv.getNativeObjAddr());
    return hsv;

Here is my JNI

#include <jni.h>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp">
#include <opencv/cv.h">

extern “C” {
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_slani_tracker_OpenCamera_findObject(JNIEnv * jenv, jclass, jlong addRgba, jlong addHsv)

        Mat& rgba = *(Mat*)addRgba;
        Mat& hsv = *(Mat*)addHsv;

        cvtColor(rgba, hsv,CV_RGBA2HSV);


Here is my log file

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?


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1 answer

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answered 2013-10-27 07:28:59 -0600

Daniil Osokin gravatar image

Implementation of your findObject method isn't found. I'm think, you've defined implementation in header file, but you need to implement it in .cpp file, then build a native library through ndk-build and load this library in Java code. See "Face detection" sample for details.

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Thanks for your answer, but I'm not sure if I understand it. I implement findObject method in .cpp file in jni folder.

When I run my project ndk build successfully. * Build of configuration Debug for project Tracker *


* Build Finished *

I also include this in my java file

public native void findObject(long rgbaAdd, long hsvAddr);

lobi gravatar imagelobi ( 2013-10-27 07:53:40 -0600 )edit

Ok. I made a mistake in file. I misspell my cpp file. But now I get this error

In file included from /home/slani/code/OpenCV-2.4.6-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/include/opencv/cv.h:64:0, from jni/detect_jni.cpp:2: /home/slani/code/OpenCV-2.4.6-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/include/opencv2/core/core.hpp:56:21: fatal error: algorithm: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: * [obj/local/armeabi/objs/detect_jni/detect_jni.o] Error 1

lobi gravatar imagelobi ( 2013-10-27 09:28:46 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2013-10-27 04:44:09 -0600

Seen: 1,563 times

Last updated: Oct 27 '13