Enforce minimal curvature

asked 2020-04-25 17:22:21 -0600

SiberianRob gravatar image

updated 2020-04-25 21:46:54 -0600

supra56 gravatar image

Hello, I have a series of thin lines on an image. The line is guaranteed not to bifurcate and will be a closed loop (The attached image does show the closed loop). The one issue that I am unsure on how to resolve is how to enforce a minimal convex (with respect to the inside of the closed loop White<=> inside Black <=> outside) curvature as well as how to bridge a gap of predetermined valley. Outside curvatures do not need to be restricted at all.


would become something like this: C:\fakepath\3ColorCurveReducer.png

additionally if there is a deep valley that can be bridged by N-pixels it would bridge the valley. Something like this:


would become something like this: C:\fakepath\3ColorCurveBridgeComplete.png


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Can you post code? We can help you.

supra56 gravatar imagesupra56 ( 2020-04-27 21:32:18 -0600 )edit