I'm trying to do a face detecction aplicattion with opencv, and I'm facing a problem with the path of the image that I want to pass as parameter, to test the face detecction. I don't know which directory I have to paste my image, and how can I read it, to pass to the imread. plus, do I need to ask any request like access to the external storage or something?
This is the code of the imread:
try {
File imgDir = getDir("imagens_teste", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
File cara = new File(imgDir, "cara.jpg");
Mat imagemColorida = imread(cara.getAbsolutePath());
Mat imagemCinza = new Mat();
I already tried this:
File root = Environment.getRootDirectory();
File file = new File(root, "cara.jpg");
Mat imagemColorida = imread(file.getAbsolutePath());
Mat imagemCinza = new Mat();
and Mat imagemColorida = imread("src\\main\\imagens_teste\\cara.jpg");
can someone help me?