Procedure for getting 3D coordinates from Stereo?
This question has been asked in different ways many times, many people approach this problem in different ways. Which is why I am unsure of my methodology, it would be good if someone could tell me if I am doing things correctly.
The steps that I follow are -
- Set up stereo camera pair.
- Calibrate both the cameras individually to get their camera matrices, distortion coefficients.
- Then we calculate R, T,
E, F using
- Calculate
R1,R2,P1,P2 and Q using
- Since I want to find the 3D coordinates of a specific point in my scene, I extract the coordinates of that point in both the images, and after that I use
to get the 3D points in homogenous coordinates.
Are the steps that I'm following correct?
imho, you can skip the single camera calibration (point 2)