Slices of float image
I am working on project in which I capture 5 grayscales images 8 bit uchar images (CV_8UC1), and I sum those images in 16 bit float image (CV_16FC1).
My question is : Why CV_16FC1 has 2 slices ? I need 1, and then I send that image toward an other computer over TCP/IP socket.
Thank you
why do you think, it is so ? please explain "slices"
Sorry if I am not clear.
As I use grayscale, I expect to obtain 1 with the following code : Image_Process.elemSize();. If it is CV_8UC1 image, it is 1. If I have CV_16FC1 image, it is 2. If I have CV_32FC1 image, it is 2.
so you mean bytes ? (CV_16F == 16bits == 2*8bit)
also elemSize() should be 4 for CV_32F, check again, please
Ok great many thanks. Because I though that elemSize() gives the total number of channel.
Thank you
elemSize() == numbytes_per_channel * num_channels