How to Crop and Wrap Image of Boxes on Top of a Pallet [closed]

asked 2020-02-20 03:13:23 -0600

Hi Forum, I'm new to OpenCV and image processing world. The company I work at wants to employ computer vision to identify the box pallet configuration correctness. My initial thought is capturing images of front, back, right, left and top sides of a pallet on top of conveyor . From right, left and top I can get perfect rectangle view of boxes on top of pallet. From front and back I will get a little bit warped images because of the camera positions.

To give you the idea, I took a warped picture of a pallet with boxes on top of it, crop and warp it. Sorry I blurred the image to hide the brand. Manually I can determine the four corner positions, crop and warpPerspective using the information. Is it possible to do it automatically?


image description

Cropped and Warped: image description

Thank you very much.

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by sturkmen
close date 2020-10-08 10:15:43.821705