How to find hierarchy of multiple contours

asked 2019-12-30 00:02:47 -0600

dineshlama gravatar image

Is thier any function to find the hierarchy of multiple contours after i detect them? eg. i have set of contours or say edge pixesl in variable: vector<vector<point>> edge_pixels; but without any hierarchy information. Now is their any method or opencv function to get the hirarchy of this already detected contours ? I am asking it cas i have used another algorithm to find the contours of objects in image which don't outputs the hierarchy information. So now i want to get the hierarchy information also.

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use doc and tutorial

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2019-12-30 03:28:11 -0600 )edit

I did studied the doc and tutorial, but haven't got the opencv function/method to find the hierarchy of multiple contours seperately without calling/using findContours function/methhod. I only saw that only after using findContours method the hierarchy of the detected contours can be got.

dineshlama gravatar imagedineshlama ( 2019-12-30 04:25:46 -0600 )edit