How can i detect trees in Aerial Images?
I am new in this field and i looked at face detection tutorial with Haar cascade. 1-How can i get Haar cascade for trees detection or is there any way to generate it. 2-Is there better approach to detect trees in Aerial Images?
Have you try to google your question?
i did bot find trees.xml ( Haar cascade) and i wonder if this file available. Or it is better to seek another solution.
Do you have images database you want to detect trees in ?
Thanks alot for you question. Yes i have as one map and as openstreet map tiles. I uploaded it in this link
This is a segmentation task and it seems like deep learning "Unet" gives good results in this case. you can check an example here : link text.
Thanks alot i will look at it.
ist i possible then to get position of trees as numpy array.
If you use Unet you' ll be able to get the tress as 1 segment ; you'll be able to get their borders& position(centroid) by group .
Do you have idea how can i for my map get or make dataset!
Search for annotation tools online - > the goal is to have 2 images 1 is the original and the second is the a binary mask ( the mask images should contain the background in black and trees in white).