differents results using caffe demo and opencv
Model is http://dl.caffe.berkeleyvision.org/bv.... When I use opencv dnn my results are :
0.9998 space shuttle
0.0001 airliner
0.0 bullet train, bullet
using http://demo.caffe.berkeleyvision.org/ and image
results are
why are the results different?
converting image in png does not solve problem
You should build caffe locally to be sure that the same input (normalization, swap RB, ...) are sent to the two methods. There is also a possibility that the demo webpage uses an outdated version of Caffe. How do you know which model/weights is used for the demo? See also this issue for the accuracy number.
You should also put your code.
thanks. I will try to rebuild caffe on windows. my caffe version is out of order.
@Eduardo about issue I found this. In source code I think red and blue plan is not swap? blobFromImage(swapRB=True)?