Align two images with only translation and rotation without scaling

asked 2019-05-11 17:33:14 -0600

lvgeng gravatar image

updated 2019-05-12 06:51:27 -0600

Is there any way that we can use while estimating the transformation? I wish the transformation has no scaling involved case I know the exact size of those images cause they are actually scanned images, which means no scaling should be involved.

here is my code:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    full_affine = False
    try_cuda = True
    match_conf = 0.3
    # finder = cv2.ORB.create()
    finder = cv2.ORB_create(scaleFactor=1.2, nlevels=1, edgeThreshold=31,
                             firstLevel=0, WTA_K=2, scoreType=cv2.ORB_HARRIS_SCORE,
                             nfeatures=100, patchSize=31)
    matcher = cv2.detail_AffineBestOf2NearestMatcher(full_affine, try_cuda, match_conf)
    source_img = cv2.imread("000001.jpg")
    target_img = cv2.imread("000000.jpg")

    source_feature = cv2.detail.computeImageFeatures2(featuresFinder=finder, image=source_img)
    target_feature = cv2.detail.computeImageFeatures2(featuresFinder=finder, image=target_img)

    source_info = load_tile_info("000001.xml", img_path, 1)
    target_info = load_tile_info("000000.xml", img_path, 0)

    matching_result = matcher.apply(source_feature, target_feature)


I found an answer years ago.

eduardo provided an answer that setting nlevels = 1

However the output is still a transform with noticeable scaling, which leads to a wrong alignment.

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full_affine it's here : there is always scaling

full_affine = False call estimateAffinePartial2d

full_affine = true call estimateAffinePartial2d

In your case scaling should be near 1

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2019-05-12 05:59:04 -0600 )edit

Sorry that I did not understand. I have updated the code to what I am using right now. Did you think I should use full_affine=True ? I tried to se the scaleFactor and nlevels. However they did not provide the results I want...

lvgeng gravatar imagelvgeng ( 2019-05-12 06:54:38 -0600 )edit

Scaling in orb (or descriptors) is not the same than scaling in geometric transformation read the doc. What is your result when you set full_affine = True ?

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2019-05-12 06:56:39 -0600 )edit

Well... it did not make too much difference. But the documents says that partial2D will limit it to 4 degree and I assume it means that no distortion would be applied. That should be the difference between these two. I read the documents about that. The thing is, I want a geometric transformation with no scaling after the feature matching. Is that possible?

lvgeng gravatar imagelvgeng ( 2019-05-12 07:14:51 -0600 )edit