Installing OpenCV libraries
I had issue installing OpenCV libraries because I did not have a system path. May I know how to finalise the installation so that I can program object detection in visual studio?
I had issue installing OpenCV libraries because I did not have a system path. May I know how to finalise the installation so that I can program object detection in visual studio?
Asked: 2019-03-08 00:14:08 -0600
Seen: 235 times
Last updated: Mar 08 '19
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Now I can understand your question. what do you mean "I did not have a system path. "? how did you install opencv?
I did installation using pre-built libraries. I have downloaded OpenCV 3.4.3 but I could not finalize installation by setting environment variable. When I typed "setx -m OPENCV_DIR D:\OpenCV\Build\x64\vc14" in command window, it said access to the path registry is denied. Plus I went to Control Panel > System Security > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > System variable however I could not find path in system variables. So may I know what to do about it?
I don't understand "I could not find path in system variables" : you should find it
I still can't find it. I have sent OpenCV admin the video via email. You'll get what I mean. In addition, I could not upload attachment in this forum.
that won't work. if you encounter a problem, collect TEXT information, and show us. please no videos or screenshots !
These are the variables I have found under system variables of the environment variables
open a console windows and type set you should see path variables
okay. I found path variables but it is under user variable