Predicting vehicle speed from dash cam video [closed]
How to Predict vehicle speed from dash cam video Using Open CV and Python
How to Predict vehicle speed from dash cam video Using Open CV and Python
Asked: 2019-02-06 23:28:13 -0600
Seen: 383 times
Last updated: Feb 06 '19
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a minimal effort is necessary
What minimal efforts should i share when i am new to Open CV and looking forward for some links where i can learn more about the specific part of Open CV
For your satisfaction and your awful "necessary comment" I have gone thru some of these links:
@Aaveg Barole -- IF you read all this, why the entirely unspecific question ?
and again, what have you tried, so far ? please take a look at the faq and try to improve the question.
@LBerger This is a much better explanation as compared to your initial rude comment Thank You I will repost a question with a lot more details soon