face detection application multi-threaded or not ?
Whether face-detection application that is given as example in OpenCV library is multi-threaded or not ?
Whether face-detection application that is given as example in OpenCV library is multi-threaded or not ?
i tested facedetect.cpp and the output is like below
Video capturing has been started ...
detection time = 492.357 ms
detection time = 71.8476 ms
detection time = 81.1626 ms
detection time = 85.015 ms
detection time = 83.3563 ms
then i add setNumThreads(0); at the beginning of the code to disable multi-threading and the output is like below
Video capturing has been started ...
detection time = 688.146 ms
detection time = 258.817 ms
detection time = 298.695 ms
detection time = 334.468 ms
detection time = 185.794 ms
detection time = 222.631 ms
Without setNumThreads(0); at the beginning of the code by default is face detection program multi threaded ? Or are there any changes we have to do to run on multi cores ?
Thank you.
Asked: 2019-01-31 03:14:26 -0600
Seen: 678 times
Last updated: Jan 31 '19
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