how to replace pygame mouse event with motion coordinates which we get from opencv video capture ?
HI Team,
I have created a program which control the particle system based on the pygame event mouse. Its like, where ever the mouse pointer goes the particles starts running from that position. I want to change the mouse moment with the hand moment . For doing that I have detected the motion using opencv videocap and got the centroid of the blob. But I am unable to replace mouse position with the centroid position. Could you please guide me on this ?
Did you install
? As I am attempting to work with picamera.pyautogui is used to control mouse from handgesture. I have used that but over here I need to control particles (like bubbles or balls) with handgesture.. I am able to do that with mouse control but not able to do with handgesture.
OIC. I have that on my files dating back to 2015-2017. Btw, I am using raspberry pi 3B+ using linux.
Please share me the file or let me know how to find that file ?
Hi @supra56, I have found out a way for it and now it is working. But its very lagging. Do you have any idea how to increase the frame rate ?
@AdigTiwari. I have hand gesture. It is lastest one but more advanced than old one. here is code:
@supra56, This doesn't work for me.