How to Label the image dataset?
Hello folks,
I'm working on BOVW. I have some images lets say the car, bike etc. so my question is: How to give the label to the dataset.
Asked: 2019-01-19 09:09:27 -0600
Seen: 727 times
Last updated: Jan 19 '19
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what are you trying to achieve ? what is the purpose of your program ?
are you trying to do a classification ? (then you need labelled samples) or a content based retrieval thing ? (then you don't)
creating a bagofwords dictionary itself does not require any labels (just a good ton of features), labels are only nessecary for a later ml based classification
yes, I'm working on the classification task. I need to classify the ID documents in the final project. currently, I'm just experimenting bovw approach with some random dataset. How should I label the dataset for the classification task?
so, car:0, bike:1, tree:3, etc. (labels are just integer numbers)
and what are your "features" here ?
Features are the key-points which I extracted using SIFT/SURF.
I just need to give labels to each individual dataset lets say car dataset: 1, bike dataset: 2tree dataset: 3 and so on. ?
AFTER creating a Bow Dictionary, and AFTER making Bow-features from your SIFT descriptors, you'll probably have 1 feature per image, and you need to label each feature for the classification
Correct me If I'm wrong.
Steps to execute:
Let's say I Input car dataset (1500 images) and create BOW dictionary, extract feature, therefore, It will output 1 feature per image. therefore, 1500 features of the car dataset.
similarly, bike dataset(1500 images) output 1500 features of the bike dataset.
Now I have to pick those features which I extracted from the dataset(s) and give a label to individual feature one by one and so on.
all right !
the only thing i would change is: don't create a BowDictionary per dataset, but a large one for all your data (and classes)